Order & Payment Information | We Like Stone
Once you’ve placed your order, we’ll send you an email confirmation with your order number.
As soon as your order is processed, we’ll email you again to confirm the delivery date.
If you haven’t received your confirmation email, please check your junk folder. Alternatively, if you used an online customer account when you made your order, check your account history for your order confirmation. If you still don’t have the confirmation after 24 hours, please get in touch with us and we’ll sort it out.
Split crates
For some of our products we are able to split crates to give you a number of tiles that are different from our standard order. There will be a £24 processing fee for this service and incur delivery a charge.
We take card details from you when you order online and you should see the charge appear on your card within 24 hours of placing your order. If there is a problem with your payment, it may be best to speak to your card issuer in the first instance. Feel free to talk to us if you think there is a technical error on our site – we can help process your order by another method.
We Like Stone use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for payment security.
If there was a technical problem with our site while your payment was made, please wait 30 minutes and check your emails. If you receive an order confirmation email, then your order has been successful. Remember to check your junk mail, though if after 30 minutes you’ve still had no confirmation then get in touch at hello@welikestone.co.uk and we’ll sort it out.
You have 14 days from receiving your order to notify us that you’ve changed your mind and to get a full refund of the product price. Goods must be in its original packaging. Goods are returned at your own cost – let us know if you want a recommendation for a company to return your order. The refunded amount is credited back using the origional payment method.
So long as your order has not been processed and fulfilled, we may be able to cancel the order. Please call 01733 639004 or email: hello@welikestone.co.uk. We cannot cancel an order once it has been processed.
You can cancel your purchase by notifying us of this within 14 days of receiving your order. This is subject to returning the goods in their original packaging. You’ll have to return the items to us at your own cost (let us know if you want a recommendation for a company to return your order). Make sure you read our terms and conditions for more information about cancelling your order.
We are unable to refund bespoke orders.
On very rare occasions, we may not be able to complete an order. If we have to cancel your order, we’ll let you know and you can either select an alternative or we’ll refund your money within five working days.
Our product prices include VAT. We apply the same price for orders made outside of the UK even where VAT (or VAT equivalent) may not be applicable. Customers aren’t entitled to any discount or refund to account for any differences in tax treatment within or outside of the UK.
If you’re VAT registered and want a VAT receipt for your purchases from us, please get in touch at hello@welikestone.co.uk
Promotional codes, special offers and discounts
All our promotional codes, special offers and discounts have expiry dates.
If you are using a promotional code you must enter this at checkout. They cannot be applied retrospectively. Special offers and discounts are applied automatically at checkout.
Unless otherwise specified, promotional codes, special offers and discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
Some products may be excluded from promotional codes, special offers and discounts.
We Like Stone reserves the right to decline orders where we reasonably believe a promotional code, special offer or discount is invalid for the order being placed or has been used fraudulently.
We Like Stone reserves the right to withdraw a promotion at any time with reasonable notice.
These points and our full terms and conditions are governed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
To talk to us about any of this, get in touch at hello@welikestone.co.uk
We Like Stone. Registered office at 6, The Forum, Minerva Business Park, Lynchwood, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, PE2 6FT. Our registered number 11422614.
Trading address: We Like Stone, Unit 116, 4 Blenheim Court, Peppercorn Close, Peterborough, PE1 2DU.